Death by recipe. Over the last few years, Dutch doctors are struggling with increasing euthanasia requests. Source: NRC Handelsblad |
Cover for article about Generation Y, they just can't make up their mind. Source: NRC Handelsblad |
The violation of women and womenrights by civilians and army in Egypt's power vacuum. Source: NRC Next |
The Netherlands, becoming a bureaucratic country Source: NRC |
Ten years Iraq war Source: Nrc Next |
Illustration for article about the difficulty of rehabilitation programs for pedophiles. Source: NRC Handelsblad |
The ongoing discussion in The Netherlands about the existence of illegal encampments formed by asylum seekers in major cities like Amsterdam and The Hague. Source: Nrc.next |
'Het nieuwe werken' 'The new way of working', lots of people are suffering from stress and burnout by working in a standby modus 24/7. Source: Nrc.next |
Despite all the protests across Europe against the European policy, European leaders insist on even more 'Europe'. It almost becomes a dogmatic religion according to Dutch writer and philosopher Thierry Baudet. Source: NRC.Next |
The Blue Apple. Europe is, as an act of globalism, transforming into a supercity/state like New York according to writer/philosopher Umberto Eco. Source: NRC Next |
Nederland is als natiestaat in een mondiale wereld morsdood / As a nation-state in a global world The Netherlands are dead. Source: NRC Next |
Het ontbreken van aandacht in elk verkiezingsprogramma voor het belabberde onderwijs vandaag de dag geeft aan dat de Nederlandse kenniseconomie gedoemd is te mislukken. Source: NRC.Next |
Israƫl werkt met de bouw van de 'Great Wall' terrorisme in de hand Source: NRC Next |
Ziek van Holland, asielzoekers worden letterlijk ziek van slopende procedures en opgelegde medicatie. Source: NRC Handelsblad |
Het Euthanasievraagstuk, de vrouw die vergeten was dat ze dood wilde. Source: NRC Handelsblad |
Amsterdam stelt Top 600 lijst samen van extreem notoire veelplegers Source: NRC Handelsblad |
Etnische registratie, een achterhaalde discussie Source: NRC Next |
De SPPV, Europahaat in komende verkiezingen. Source: NRC Next |

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