Illustration for an article on a man suffering from psychosis caused by drug abuse and burnout Source: MGL |
Illustration on the feud between members of the managing board of a social work/green maintenance company. Source: MGL |
Although having testicular cancer still causes a lot of men to feel ashamed and hide it, it is necessary to treat it right after it is diagnosed. Source: MGL |
Illustration on a company that is located exactly on the border between the Netherlands and Germany and therefore is both German and Dutch. Source: MGL |
Illustration on a housing association that puts their clients before their profits. Source: MGL |
Illustration for a bookreview on a self help book on how to find happiness. Source: MGL |
Politican lobbying with companies to create jobs for socially weak, disabled and longterm unemployed people. Source: MGL |
Projects initiated by the Dutch government, universities and business companies have experienced a rising level of success. Some business companies however seem to lack commitment to continue their involvement. Source: MGL |
Free your television:
illustration on the fact that a growing amount of people is cancelling their cable tv subscription in favour of streaming services Source: L Magazine, De Limburger |
The war on wheat:
Is wheat causing diseases and allergies or not? Source: Dagblad de Limburger |
Dutch amateur football teams have trouble finding enough players for their first division teams. Source: MGL |
Article on the worrying fact that the numerous amount of German alternative healing practitioners get little to no governmental control, but at the same time are very popular among Dutch clients. Source: MGL |
Illustration for an article on the ongoing problems caused by the dutch local authorities being in charge of social support and labor market reintegration. Source: MGL |
Mark Rutte has some explaining to do regarding the Dutch referendum on the European Union Association Agreement with Ukraine Source: MGL |
First aid in case of psychological problems Source: MGL |
Due to the hybridization of life- and clothing styles, consumer marketing specialists find it harder and harder to pinpoint consumer groups. Source: RW |
Continuing sickness during pregnancy
(hyperemesis gravidarum) Source: MGL |
Often, the amount of questions in a survey makes people feel locked in, which leads to incorrect answers, just to get out of it. Source: RW |
Because of their bad reputation, Dutch VMBO schools (Lower Vocational Education) are losing pupils. Source: Dagblad de Limburger |
Illustration for a Festival Special.
It turns out that quite a lot of rock musicians have a BA or MA degree. Source: MGL |
Illustration on how marketing is more and more aiming at using big data to inventorize consumer's wishes and needs. Source: RW |
Young entrepreneurs often have little to no chance of accessing the 'old boys network'. Source: Dagblad de Limburger |
on the impact of sponsorship of sports events Source: RW |
'Limburg, the small independent.'
The Dutch government is planning to merge provinces, lowering the total amount from 12 to 7. Three provincies will not be merged because of their strong cultural identity. This might result in a politically more removed, weaker position for the smallest of them: Limburg. Source: Mediagroep Limburg |
...And give us this day our daily in vitro meat Source: MGL |
The thirty-something dilemma Source: MGL |
Schuldhulpmaatjes: Volunteers helping people with financial and administrative problems. Source: MGL |
More and more former football pro's aspire a career as football scout. Source: MGL |
Bij een interview met een ex-tweede kamerlid. Net als redelijk wat andere ex-tweede kamerleden, is hij al geruime tijd werkloos en blijkt het vinden van een baan niet eenvoudig. Source: Dagblad de Limburger/Limburgs Dagblad |
Uit onderzoek is gebleken dat mensen in achterstandswijken sneller naar zware medicijnen grijpen bij pijnbestrijding.
(MGL) Source: MGL |
Door hersenscans kunnen wetenschappers tegenwoordig heel goed zien of een product of reclame in onze hersenen de juiste positieve gebieden activeert. Hoe meer positieve hersenactiviteiten, hoe meer de consument bereid is de pijnprikkel van het betalen van de prijs te trotseren. Steeds vaker worden reclames en producten eerst uitgeprobeerd op mensen in scanners om te zien of ze het gewenste effect hebben. Source: MGL |
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