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  Programming for illustrators
Pawel Pokutycki
posted on February 6, 2013 at 9:29

Can my illustrations change shape when it rains? Can they respond to my whistling? Can they look slightly different in the morning or in the evening? Learn how to control the elements of your illustration with the movement of the mouse pointer, make them clickable, draggable, scalable, react to the live sound from a microphone or image from a webcam, adjust to the current time of the day, randomly change colors, generatively develop into another drawing or composition, or even visualize the actual weather conditions outdoor!

In 2013 BNO Amsterdam and Illustration Daily organizes a set of hands-on trainings in interactive illustration, starting in March with an intensive programming workshop.

No, it's not very difficult... Processing (www.processing.org) is one of the simplest, free, open-source programming languages for visual artists and designers. Initially created to serve as a software sketchbook and to teach fundamentals of computer programming within a visual context, Processing quickly developed into a tool for creating finished professional work as well. During an intensive one-day training guided by an experienced programmer and designer you can get acquainted with the basic, yet surprisingly effective possibilities of Processing in the field of interactive illustration, that is illustration reacting in one way or another to the live activity of the viewer (e.g. mouse movements, clicks, position towards the computer screen, sounds made etc) or any other input/data available in the computer or on the internet (e.g. current time, temperature, amount of light etc). You will receive hand-outs to practice all the exercises at home after the workshop. Next to hands-on instructions also several examples of professional interactive illustrations will be discussed. The fundamental goal of the course is to stimulate innovation in the field of illustration and prepare professional illustrators conceptually and technically for the new challenges in the digital age and the online/e-publishing world, regardless of their initial computer-skills. 

€ 35,- (BNO members)
€ 55,- (non-BNO members)

Wednesday March 6, 2013
9.30 - 17.00 hrs

BNO Amsterdam
Danzigerkade 8a
1013 AP Amsterdam

minimum 8 / maximum 15


Participants have to bring their own MAC/PC laptop.
No advanced computer-skills needed!

Pawel Pokutycki
Pawel is an interaction designer, co-founder/editor of the Illustration Daily platform and a lecturer at the Royal Academy of Art (KABK) in The Hague.

BNO Amsterdam
Gert Gerrits, gert@bno.nl

Register before February 27 via gert@bno.nl

www.bno.nl/agenda/programmeren-voor-illustratoren (Dutch only)