The intangible Imam. European distrust of the muslim clergy. Source: De Standaard |
Editorial illustration for Root+Bone accompanying an article about the style of chefs and how their attire is influencing fashion. Source: Root + Bone magazine |
About debt and hidden poverty. From an article by Jesse Frederik for De Correspondent. Art direction: Yara van der Velden Source: De Correspondent |
Title: "Two Babies Playing".
Two Presidents (USA - North Korea) continue to "play" the war.
Source: Vito Ansaldi |
Illustration of how soon children get in touch with smartphones Source: francescorubis.carbonmade.com |
For an article by Huib Modderkolk about privacy and the ethics of personal data gathering by governments. Source: De Volkskrant 26/8 |
Trump has been dreaming to be president for over 30 years! An illustration for De Correspondent on an article by Sarah Kendzior. Source: https://thecorrespondent.com/7106/how-trump-fulfilled-a-30-year-fantasy-of-becoming-president-with-a-little-help-from-the-kremlin/2009932931402-52e375f5 |
Incognito, a take on someone secretly watching from a distance but with a modern take with the newspaper replaced with a tablet. |
Charlottesville #Charlottesville #altright #Trump #racism #whitepower #nazism |
Illustration about new Trump's clean power plan. Source: francescorubis.carbonmade.com |
How to Overcome Emotional Dependency Source: http://update.com.ua/likbez_tag925/4-zadaniia-dlia-domashnei-raboty-s-emotcionalnoi-zavisimostiu-ot-psikhologa_n3644 |
Sara Gironi Carnevale
posted on August 19, 2017 at 4:05
Sara's website
Women deserve respect from the men who rule their lives - Published on Resist! Volume 2 Source: http://www.resistsubmission.com/ |
An editorial illustration about 'digital detox' - the fact that more and more people want to be disconnected from the internet and social media when they're on a holiday. Source: Algemeen Dagblad |
For the first time a human embryo was genetically altered. Source: coverillustration De Standaard |
Illustration of how soon children get in touch with smartphones Source: francescorubis.carbonmade.com |
Have confidence in the church Source: Die Weltwoche |
The world fucker - unpublished, digital, 2017 |
This was originally a rejected concept for an editorial piece based on the themes of ageism within the tech industry.
My graphic comment to the current world politics…there is nothing left to say… Source: https://www.instagram.com/p/BXpuAD2gdIN/?taken-by=adrianbauer_ |
»Wer Arbeit kennt und sich nicht drückt, der ist verrückt« Illustration for a series of articles about criticism of labour and the overall concept of working for a living. Client: Progress Magazin |
Illustration about the social network consequences on couple relationships Source: francescorubis.carbonmade.com |
'Friendly Takeover': American corporations are hunting for dutch multinationals. Source: FNV Magazine |
There Goes the Sun
Six Amazing Ways to Celebrate the Total Eclipse in the U.S.
Editorial illustration for the august 2017 issue of Hemispheres Magazine. Art Direction: Rickard Westin / Illustration: Francesco Zorzi / article: Stacey McKenna. Source: http://www.francescozorzi.it/There-Goes-the-Sun-Hemispheres-mag |
"Tinder for tennisers", about the development of a new application, which makes it easy for one who wants to play tennis to find a partner. Source: Het Parool |
Illustration on a housing association that puts their clients before their profits. Source: MGL |
"Expensive is better?" As statistically the beautiful people are more successful. Source: https://francescorubis.carbonmade.com |
Computer beats 'Go' champion for first time.
Creative field is finally open to the AI. |
Source: Pubblished on BenEssere .
Healt & wellness monthly magazine
Copyright: © Umberto Grati 2016
Self Initiated editorial. Teaching morals to robots using literature. Source: http://jakerichardson.co.uk/ |
Editorial illustration for The London Magazine based on an article titled "Love thy neighbour. The importance of community." |
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