Illustration made for The Debrief, an UK lifestyle publication. In this article the writer explores her mothers' post divorce renaissance and what it's like to find herself on tinder, a dating app, at the same time as her mother. Source: The Debrief - http://www.thedebrief.co.uk/news/real-life/how-to-cope-when-you-find-yourself-dating-at-the-same-time-as-your-mum-20151259941 |
Editorial-Illustration für "ZEIT Campus Ratgeber Berufseinstieg 2016" about decision making. Source: https://premium.zeit.de/zc-ratgeber-beruf-ausgabenseite |
Article about a girl who wants to stop listening to her headphones for 40 days, but it's not without relapses. Source: Hard//Hoofd |
A portrait of French film director, writer and artist Michel Gondry Source: Happy Garaje YIP |
How to customize your house in order to be able to grow old in your own home. Source: Plus Magazine |
SOS - International exhibition of contemporary Illustrators, Cremona, Italy. Critics' Prize/ Title: "At any cost"/ Technic: monotype Source: www.tapirulan.it |
The relationship between Journalists and company spokespeople is strained, as shown by the example of the VW scandal. Companies lie and journalists don't research properly. Source: Wirtschaftsjournalist |
Why is it that mothers who have a job get questions like: "Don't you feel guilty? ""How do you combine work with raising your kids?" And not the fathers? Source: Vrij Nederland |
"Learning to accept others and their differences " Illustration for Pèlerin magazine Source: http://www.pelerin.com/ |
Open office spaces are causing stress and killing concentration. Source: De Standaard, Belgium |
About being a muslim Canadian woman basketball player, for Court Magazine. Source: http://courtbasketball.com/article/heyyy_sam/ |
Cover illustration for the March 2016 issue of Therapy Today about embodied therapy and dementia (from an article by Beatrice Allegranti). Source: http://www.therapytoday.net/article/show/5202/behind-the-pictures-with-chiara-criniti/ |
An “Invasion of the Body Snatchers”-like world of conformity and censorship emerges on social media, erasing the opinionated and the contrarian, corralling people into an ideal. Source: Het Parool |
Illustration for the Comic-Magazine STRAPAZIN (CH) about Alzheimer. Collaboration with Luca Schenardi Source: http://www.strapazin.ch/ |
Fewer rules for 'excellent schools'
(text on the side of the school: 'Little Wave - telepathic elementary school') Source: Trouw |
The Boston Globe / Putin’s crushing strategy for Syria Source: https://www.bostonglobe.com/ideas/2015/11/19/cambanis/E16LEkSliaelZh3RX3AFaO/story.html |
Editorial illustration for an article about the importance of keeping the love alive whilst bring up a young family |
About the influence of digital technology on, us, human beings. Source: http://www.trouw.nl/tr/nl/5116/Filosofie/article/detail/4233782/2016/01/28/De-mens-als-speelbal-van-Silicon-Valley.dhtml |
book jacket illustration for Medicins sans Frontieres about how to reconcile security for staff with effectiveness in the field Source: http://www.msf.org/ |
The neuroscience of ADHD: Half of the American preschoolers diagnosed with ADHD are given drugs to treat the symptoms. Is that necessary? Is there another way? Source: http://ideas.ted.com/the-neuroscience-of-adhd/ |
For the Dutch online newspaper 'De Correspondent' I made this illustration about a bizarre invested pipeline from Azerbaijan to Italy. Source: https://decorrespondent.nl/3894/Waarom-wil-de-groenste-bank-van-de-wereld-fossiele-brandstof-uit-een-dictatuur-halen-/457178590176-f09ae5fe |
An illustration to accompany an article about work/life balance in Korn Ferry Briefings Magazine. Source: https://www.kornferry.com |
My preferred version of a recent NYTimes piece about women's choice to have abortions, and how the fate of so many women -- infuriatingly dependent on 8 Supreme Court Justices Source: http://www.nytimes.com/2016/02/28/opinion/sunday/showdown-on-abortion-at-the-supreme-court.html?_r=0 |
Take some time for little happiness. Source: Margriet (2016) |
Bad boy Balotelli for 8by8 magazine. Source: http://8by8mag.com/holiday-gift-guide/ |
Illustration for International Exhibit of Illustration 'A tavola' (around the table) at Museo Diocesano di Padova (Italy)/ February 20th, 2016 - June 26th 2016
"Eating can be a trip to an intimate and reassuring destination or to new horizons exploring the world around us." Source: http://www.icoloridelsacro.org/mostre.php?id_mostra=#1 |
Illustration accompanying the theme of stimulation sensitivity with ADHD/ADD. Source: Personal work |
Lesbians Riding Ponies, limited edition print Source: http://janineshroff.co.uk/portfolio/lesbians-riding-ponies/ |
For the latest issue of The Believer magazine, I had the honor to illustrate Pablo Calvi's "Secret Reserves" long-form essay about Ecuador´s Sápara community struggles against oil extraction in their territory. http://www.fj-gc.net/secret-reserves-the-believer-magazine Source: http://www.believermag.com/issues/201511/?read=article_calvi |
Dutch football keeper Kenneth Vermeer was attacked as a black man, but stayed focused on the game Source: Vrij Nederland |
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