The rise of Spotify changed the whole music industry and presented itself as a solution to illegal sharing and downloading. Source: VPRO |
Why we can quit but not moderate our behaviours. Source: deStandaard |
In the glitter age, the '80s, comics stars too became fashion victims. This is Lil Abner's secret carreer as model for the imaginary advertising of "Original Dogpatch". - Published on the webzine "Giornale Pop". Source: http://www.giornalepop.it/gli-edonistici-anni-ottanta-degli-eroi-dei-fumetti/ |
"Trauma and the dying" is 1 of 3 illustrations for march 2016 issue of Therapy Today. From an article by Louis Heyse - Moore. Source: http://www.bacp.co.uk/docs/pdf/15084_ttmar16.pdf |
Illustration for an article about cough - for WO Magazine 12.11.2016 Source: http://www.wysokieobcasy.pl/wysokie-obcasy/7,127763,20952307,skad-mam-wiedziec-czy-przyczyna-kaszlu-jest-wirus-czy.html |
Assisted Suicide |
Illustration for the article "The beauty and power of becoming a US citizen" by Leila Philip in The Boston Globe Opinion section.
Art Direction by Nathan Estep Source: http://www.francescozorzi.it/The-beauty-and-power-of-becoming-a-US-citizen |
an illustration for L.A. Times about how secretly dating your coworker can turn out quite badly Source: http://www.latimes.com/home/la-hm-la-affairs-erika-flynn-20170117-story.html |
Illustration for Talkspace.com. How stressful can be dating today in the world filled with dating apps? |
It's not a winter fairytale |
Research showed that children with ADHD actually have different brains than other children. Source: Self initiated, inspired by an article in Trouw (16.02.2017) |
pixels full of (im)perfect lives Source: Hard//Hoofd |
American tunnels
Source: IlSole24ore editiondigitall paintCopyright: Umberto Grati |
An Illustration about online virtual dating. |
Rely on yourself and be surprised! Source: Queen in the Corner |
Illustration made for Lenny Letter. Transforming Pain Into Power. How activist Marisa Franco helped unseat anti-immigrant Arizona sheriff Joe Arpaio. Source: http://www.lennyletter.com/politics/interviews/a612/transforming-pain-into-power/ |
My vision of Utopia for newspaper Trouw.
"For me Utopia is a world where we can start over." Art Direction: Anita Huisman Source: Trouw: http://www.mausbaus.com/Utopia |
The stress caused by too much parenting advice. Source: De Standaard |
Trump Source: de Volkskrant bijlage V |
"Suddenly, Muslims are America’s pariahs"
Officers ‘just following orders’, confused children, fearful parents: with Trump’s vile ban, Islamophobia has finally burst its banks. Source: The Guardian |
Esteem placebo |
Preserving the democratic values in the new media landscape Source: Magazine Ping |
Get Hairy February campaign encourages women to grow body hair to support victims of violence. Source: http://mobile.abc.net.au/news/2017-01-31/get-hairy-february-campaign-supports-female-victims-of-violence/8226270?pfmredir=sm |
Your spouse is cheating on you, on his phone, right now. For The Boston Globe; Art Direction: Jane Martin Source: www.bostonglobe.com |
Projects initiated by the Dutch government, universities and business companies have experienced a rising level of success. Some business companies however seem to lack commitment to continue their involvement. Source: MGL |
Illustration for an article about lying and (the falsehood) lie detection. Source: VPRO |
Europe economy Source: Il Sole24ore - italian magazine
Copyright: © Umberto Grati 2016 |
Hot Flashes. An editorial illustration for Realsimple magazine about perimenopause. Source: Realsimple magazine |
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