Recent Op-Ed illustration for an important and depressing piece entitled, 'The big lie behind Japanese Whaling'. Source: The International New York Times |
In "Should I eat meat?" journalist Michael Mosley
searches for an answer to the question "is meat healthy or unhealthy?" Source: VPRO Gids |
Illustration on the subject of the economical crisis. The visual reference is the popular 90's video game Lemmings, where a group of lemmings has to be guided by the player through different scenarios, the goal being they should reach the exit, usually a castle. |
Illustration for an essay by Anna Enquist on how and why we tend to stay on the surface of a subject and don't dig a little deeper. People seem to choose 'fast' entertainment over depth because they are afraid for loneliness and impotence. Source: Trouw: Letter & Geest |
More and more entrepreneurs in the creative and economic sector are undertaking projects together. |
Illustration for The International New York Times about media landscape in Vietnam Source: http://www.nytimes.com/2014/11/20/opinion/a-free-press-for-vietnam.html?hpw&rref=opinion&action=click&pgtype=Homepage&module=well-region®ion=bottom-well&WT.nav=bottom-well&_r=0 |
In a divorce, young children should be supervised by an independent child expert, says the Dutch children's ombudsman. Dutch kids older than twelve can get a court hearing, whereas younger children have to abide by the wishes of their parents. Source: Het Parool |
In Vitro Meat Cookcook. 1 out of 8 illustrations for food recommendations by 'Amsterdammers'. Source: Amsterdam &Co. Assigned by Vandejong Creative Agency for Rabobank. |
Literature? It's really a problem: We are reading it less and less. Source: Nrc Handelsblad/ Nrc Next Philip Huff Verweij lezing |
An illustration for Leore Dayan's weekly column dealing with the obsession of the Israeli man towards luxury cars Source: http://www.maariv.co.il/news/new.aspx?pn6Vq=EE&0r9VQ=GIMMI |
A self initiated serie about the common causes for house fires Source: www.evelienbreeman.nl |
Natural wine revolution Source: Magazine Time Out Hong Kong |
Putin's aggressive foreign politics in Europe are forcing Russia into an economical and political isolation. |
Facing violence #1 Source: http://www.klaas.be/Portfolio/Uncommissioned.aspx |
Retirement benefits administration Source: FNV Senior |
I was recently commissioned by the Royal Academy of Arts Magazine, exclusive for members, on an article debate 'Is beauty an essential consideration in architecture?' Source: https://www.royalacademy.org.uk/article/debate-is-beauty-an-essential-consideration-in-architecture |
In different countries such as Turkey and Tunesia you still have to be careful with what you post on social media about the islam, because there is a chance it could land you in jail. Source: www.facebook.com/valeriegeelenillustratie |
Illustration for an article about sex of parents Source: GaGa Magazine http://martynawojcik.blogspot.com/2014/07/seks-rodzicow-ilustracje.html |
Autumn moments |
Evgeny Morozov; the new way of running a country will not involve laws, but algorithms. Source: de Volkskrant |
Illustration made for second part of Łukasz Orbitowski Diary from Copenhagen, which appears in ZNAK Magazine (Poland). Source: www.podkoscielny.com |
Cover illustration on the topic- Where is the future of our economy? The most important trends for 2034-and beyond! Source: Vrij Nederland |
Illustration concerning EU's environmental policy Source: Kultura Liberalna |
11/11, Remembrance Day...but it's still a world of conflicts. Source: http://www.klaas.be/PERSONAL |
Survival of the fittest. Source: http://donateursportal.legerdesheils.nl/kans |
With the recent shootings in American schools, it has almost become the norm. |
An illustration for the weekly column by Leor Dayan.
Dealing with his day job as a panelist in all sorts of TV shows. Source: http://www.maariv.co.il/news/new.aspx?pn6Vq=EE&0r9VQ=GHMHJ |
'In de ban van de man' theme from Culturele Zondag in Utrecht with all kinds of free lectures about men throughout the city. Source: Vpro-gids |
About fossil fuel emissions and climate change. |
Ten years after Theo van Gogh was murdered, people seem to remember little about the man's life. Source: De Volkskrant |
As fighting continues in Kobane, ISIS dreams of expanding into implausible proportions. |
Fall books Source: http://www.klaas.be/Portfolio/Uncommissioned.aspx |
About working in a corporation. Source: Wysokie Obcasy |
Love in Tunisia after the Arab Spring. Source: Trouw |
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