Sara Gironi Carnevale
posted on October 31, 2017 at 5:38
Sara's website
Personal project - Once upon a time there was a miserable, cruel, old man who made a deal with the devil.
Today there still be a man like that and, unfortunately, he's not Jack o' Lantern.
Happy Halloween....? |
The input-output finance model for universities in Belgium and its consequences. For De Morgen.
Source: De Morgen |
Dead Tired - Cover art of Pagina99 magazine about insomnia Source: www.pagina99.it |
The Mask. Source: Vito Ansaldi (https://www.facebook.com/vito.ansaldi.illustrations/) |
Summer chicks. Feminist and gender fluid illustration. Source: www.agnesricart.in |
The Macromiro is a reflection on modern education system fostering a culture of conformity and compliance.
This illustration was created for my thesis at OCAD University. |
Editorial illustration made for De Correspondent. These go along with stories written by Bart de Koning, about the Dutch police force and cybercriminals.
This one is about how the police struggles with overdue ICT and bureaucracy. These problems are causing a lot of frustration and time loss within actually solving cybercrime cases. Source: https://decorrespondent.nl/6728/het-politieteam-dat-hackers-moet-opsporen-worstelt-met-zijn-eigen-ict/2292209597656-654eb0b9 |
Power Causes Brain Damage - It’s difficult to stop power’s tendency to affect your brain. What’s easier—from time to time, at least—is to stop feeling powerful. Insofar as it affects the way we think, power is not a post or a position but a mental state. Source: www.giuliobonasera.com |
Tolerance. Personal work. Source: https://www.behance.net/simonealtamura |
Sara Gironi Carnevale
posted on October 22, 2017 at 8:31
Sara's website
Illustration for The Washington Post Outlook section
for a piece about Trump, his uncertain mental health,
and the reasons why Americans have elected a psycho as their President. Source: https://goo.gl/itHgyz |
Why is there a continuing lack of diversity in Hollywood? Source: Vers Magazine |
»K.O. im ersten Semester« Illustration for an article on knock out tests at viennese universities, the pressure they put on students and also the economic implications that come with failing these tests.
Client: Progress Magazin |
More and more people have their office at home, and more and more people shop online. Home workers are affected by the huge amount of home-delivery packages they have to take in for their online shopping neighbours. Source: Het Parool |
"Chef secret spot" illustration for the belgian magazine Le vif weekend - food special.
This illustration was used on the cover.
The article is about the confidential restaurants that cooks recommend. Source: http://weekend.levif.be/lifestyle/ |
Hostile take-overs. Source: FNV Magazine |
YouTube taking over the conventional broadcasting Source: VPRO Gids |
Illustration for The Pool about the 4th wave of feminism. The article detailes how this wave is different to the previous ones, because the woman use devices / the internet to spread their message. Source: https://www.the-pool.com |
"Who am I when I travel?"
Cover for "Miesięcznik ZNAK" magazine, summer issue about travelling. Source: http://www.miesiecznik.znak.com.pl/
https://www.behance.net/gallery/57601523/Who-am-I-when-I-travel |
Strategies against stress... An editorial illustration for an article in the latest issue of 'Psyché en Brein'. Source: http://eoswetenschap.eu/magazines/Psyche-en-Brein |
Self-initiated illustration about how our brain constructs reality. Based on a Chris Frith's book "Making up the Mind" |
Sara Gironi Carnevale
posted on October 11, 2017 at 9:45
Sara's website
About abortion and freedom of choice: a woman must be free to make her decision, even if difficult - Personal project. Source: http://www.saragironicarnevale.com/?portfolio=freedom-of-choice |
Remote control (unpublished, 2017) |
About why the Erasmus University is a male-dominated establishment. Source: https://versbeton.nl/2017/09/waarom_de_erasmus_universiteit_een_mannenbolwerk_is/ |
How Vipassana meditation breathes life into professional golfers, for ESPN online Source: http://www.espn.com/golf/story/_/id/20284690/how-ancient-practice-vipassana-meditation-breathes-life-indian-pga-tour-pro-anirban-lahiri-golf-game |
An article about the benefits of raising up children the old fashioned way. Parents nowadays are too sweet for their children. Source: NRC Handelsblad |
Although having testicular cancer still causes a lot of men to feel ashamed and hide it, it is necessary to treat it right after it is diagnosed. Source: MGL |
Discoveries Magazine - Cutting back salt in our diets. Source: http://www.discoveriesmagazine.org |
"Can you ear me?"
I talk talk talk talk talk and only hear the echo of my voice. Source: Personal work |
An illustration for a low-key music night in London called The Hangover Lounge. Source: https://www.tomhumberstone.com/#/hangover-lounge/ |
The worries about the things we did & didn't do.
In a series of articles about existential questions Source: de Standaard |
'What's up America?' About the revival of neonazism under Trump. Source: Personal work |
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