Death by recipe. Over the last few years, Dutch doctors are struggling with increasing euthanasia requests. Source: NRC Handelsblad |
Illustration about Dutch tv-show 'De Wereld Draait Door', where guests of the national channel receive a lucrative amount of money for being on the show. Source: www.florianverhagen.com |
Children and war times - Israel is on the verge of another war again. This illustration was made for a weekly column i illustrate. This week it was specifically about seeking a new kindergarten for the writer's son, with this horrible situation in the background. I always seek for the wider angle in my illustrations. I thought about the Jewish mother and about the Palestinian mother, and about all mothers in the world looking for the safe place for their children. Source: The jerusalem post M'arive Newspaper |
The Freedom of Information act does not apply to the legislative branch of US government, because members of Congress have chosen to exempt themselves. Source: New York Times |
"An ode to Scandinavia"- writer Aaf Brandt Corstius' visions and reflections on the Scandinavian countries Source: Volkskrant Magazine |
Amsterdam turning into a Hipsterhel, losing it's authenticity due to rich investors from China and Russia. Source: Pulpdeluxemagazine #26 |
Let's not be too affraid making a comparison with World War II or the Holocaust. Few other periods in history confront us so strongly with who we are. Source: nrc.next |
Illustration about parliamentary elections in Poland, which will be held on 25 October 2015 Source: https://www.facebook.com/mwalkowiakillustration
Article about the stress of worrying Source: De Standaard |
Russia's criminal justice system's been building up its genetic database to increase the use of DNA profiling in fighting crime. Illustration for a feature about two recent cases when terrorists were arrested using the scientific advances. Source: Коmmersant Science
http://www.kommersant.ru/nauka/95155 |
Do you live in Amsterdam, danced at Amsterdam Dance Event and are in bed right now with a huge hangover? Here's a hangover illustration to fill your empty head. Source: www.merelcorduwener.com |
This is personal work. I called it "Anxieties". In Polish the word describing anxiety is "niepokój". The word consists of a prefix "nie" (meaning: no) and the word "pokój" (meaning: room or peace, calm). In my works I tried to express anxieties through the relations between people and their personal space (the interior). I used acrylics and coloured pencils on previously (grey) dyed paper. Source: https://www.behance.net/gallery/30265109/AnxietiesNiepokoje |
Travelling alone - enjoying the peace of solitude. A German journalist travels back from North Africa after an exhausting reportage, and decides to spontaneously fly to Scotland for a break away from people. Source: Freemen's World magazine |
An illustration drawn from an article revealing 3 men had beaten a badger to death and found guilty in court. "Three men have been sentenced to 12 weeks in prison for caving in a badger's skull" Source: http://www.behance.net/LiamMagennis |
Art school affaire. Tutors in art schools have been abusing their position of power to seduce their studenten.
Source: Vrij Nederland |
In the future, the mobile devices can deliver not only text, images but also scent. This is an illustration I did for the article about the new technique. Source: www.yaoyu.work |
The Nobel prize for economy implies that economy is not a social science, but an exact one. An attitude which has led to disaster in the past. Source: The Guardian |
Illustration about the digital dark age; better start printing out your digital photo's, because we might not be able to look at them in the future... Source: VPRO magazine |
Coloring and colourbooks for adults seem to be a very popular, it is used in some therapy, people come together in groups to colour etc. An article about this trend. Source: Opzij - art director Anke Revenberg |
United States of Arrogance, fact-checking article about Donald Trump. Source: Salon |
Cover illustration for Wysokie Obcasy Magazine published on 22 November 2014; for an article "Change the rules of the game" - There appears to be a conflict between the parents of ill children and the hospital staff, which makes the treatment and recovery process more difficult for everyone. Source: Wysokie Obcasy |
Refugee women from Ethiopia and Sudan
were kidnapped, raped and sold as sex slaves.
During that time they were kept in a pit underground.
Source: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10153650285398556&set=a.477264383555.258814.634413555&type=1&theater |
Cover illustration for the novel ‘Zo zijn wij niet’ by Janneke Holwarda. Source: http://www.uitgeverijmarmer.nl/boeken/literatuur/item/zo-zijn-wij-niet |
Illustration for newspaper Trouw
about the betrayal of the Berber culture in Holland. Source: Trouw |
Review of a boxset of Noir Crime novels all written by women. Source: The Big Issue Magazine |
Tour de Congo - poster illustration for documentary film - soon to come... |
Job van der Molen
posted on October 4, 2015 at 9:43
Job's website
Volkswagen tried to cover up emissions scandal. Source: NDC Mediagroep, Joop.nl |
Editorial illustration for KUKBUK magazine issue no.17. Article was about mobile kitchens Source: http://kukbuk.com.pl/ |
Illustration based on a New Scientist article called "The Algorithms That Run Your Life" which discusses how hidden algorithms can decide what you see adverts you see, if you can get a mortgage and even what prison sentences criminals receive. |
How might our eating habits change if we had to slaughter our own dinner? For Smart Money Magazine Source: Smart Money Magazine |
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