For an article about cancer research Source: Vrij Nederland |
When the sleep keeps you awake. Article about insomnia in De Standaard magazine Source: De Standaard, Belgium |
Illustration for Wysokie Obcasy Magazine (22 november 2014) on the subject of pediatric hospitals and how parents who are staying there with their ill children are being treated. Source: http://www.wysokieobcasy.pl/wysokie-obcasy/1,96856,17000945,Matki_karimatki__Dlaczego_rodzic_w_szpitalu_traktowany.html |
The Act On Awareness series was developed in the context of my final study project. It shows everyday behavior in today's western society and its related but mostly unknown consequences.
Title: Bank investments financing arms industry - is your money involved? Source: http://www.lennartjaspers.com/Act-On-Awareness-1 |
20.08.2015 Fiscal quirks 6: Danish tax on saturated fat. The tax on saturated fats was meant to fight obesity. A typical example of a tax the government wants to influence the behavior of citizens with, in this case to improve health. In that regard, it is nice that the tax was introduced by a center-right government and was abolished by a center-left government. Left often gets accused of patronizing. Source: Laurents Berentsen in Het Financieele Dagblad Friday 20 August 2015.
Drones are the future.
An article dealing with aspects in everyday's life where drones will be replacing existing methods (Delivery, rescuing,Service) Source: The Israel institute of technology magazine |
Dr Amanda Foreman writes about how she is not a fan of the Free-the-nipple participants. She sees them as needy insecure girls that are stealing focus from people making a real difference. She finishes by saying "They disgust me" Source: The Financial Times |
Editorial illustration made for a piece about contemporary theatre. The vision about the beholder, the effect it had on the audience in the 70's and whether a lot in this cultural scene has changed over the years till now. Source: http://hardhoofd.com/2015/03/28/memory-machine-opnieuw-herinneren/ |
The benefits of swimming as meditation. Source: http://www.nytimes.com/2014/02/22/opinion/the-joy-of-swimming-and-meditating.html |
Illustrating recent research that suggests brains work more mechanically than we previously thought. Source: http://jakerichardson.co.uk |
Personal work created during one sleepless full moon night. Source: http://katarzynabogdanska.blogspot.com |
September illustration for Przekroj magazine describing struggle with our inner child who just wants summer last forever. Source: www.facebook.com/PrzekrojPl?fref=ts |
14.08.2015 Fiscal quirks 5: French tax on table football costs more than it benefits. The French tax regulator, the Inspection Générale des Finances, counted last year 192 taxes on businesses that annually generate less than €150 million. The Inspection advised the government abolish between 90 and 120 of these small taxes. Some cost more than they produce, the inspection finds, such as taxes on pinball machines and table football. Source: Laurents Berentsen in Het Financieele Dagblad Friday 14 August 2015. |
"Palpitations of the heart, dizziness, shortness of breath and panic attacks can go hand in hand with mortal fear, even though the trigger is often innocent.”
An illustration for an article about fear, published in Psyche en Brein magazine (nr 4, 2015). Source: http://eoswetenschap.eu/magazines/Psyche-en-Brein |
Extreme Yoga - When does self help become self abuse. The pressures of staying youthful, keeping fit and coping with stress. Have we forgotten how to relax? Source: http://www.penmarks.co.uk |
About education and transmission for the next generations Source: Pèlerin magazine |
Illustration about the down sides of co-parenthood Source: FabMama - artdirector Laura Yark |
The things high school students secretly do beneath their desks. Source: Fons Vitae Lyceum / http://www.tedstruwer.nl/overig-in-opdracht |
The History of White People, a book review. The book chronicles the history of racism and points out how many waves of immigrants have assimilated into the American landscape, with one notable exception. Source: The Boston Globe |
This is an illustration I made this summer while I had to stay in the city and work - it was too hot to work or even think. The only thing I wanted was to become water. Source: http://katarzynabogdanska.blogspot.com |
Cut the crap! Please, give me a PC without crapware. Source: Digitaalgids | Consumentenbond - sept/okt 2015 |
06.08.2015 Fiscal quirks 4: Taxes cast shadows over Spanish solar energy. If it is up to the Spanish Government, the sun won’t rise no longer free for Spaniards who have solar panels installed on the roof of their home or in their backyard. Rajoy's government wants to tax the abundant sunshine in Spain. Source: Source: Laurents Berentsen in Het Financieele Dagblad Thursday 6 August 2015. |
Love in times of ebola virus. Source: http://www.nrc.nl/handelsblad/van/2015/januari/02/het-spook-van-ebola-1451547 |
Job van der Molen
posted on September 5, 2015 at 9:18
Job's website
The fast growing costs of the Dutch Healthcare. Source: HPdeTijd Magazine 09, september 2015. |
'Anything is possible, but is that what we want?' illustrations on the future of innovations. Advantages and disadvantages of the development and the application of Drones, eBooks (vs. books), Airbnb, Big Data (vs. privacy) and the introduction of things like serving coffee and champagne in offline stores. Source: Het Parool |
The british documentary 'Baby Makers' takes a closer look at both clients and employees of a fertility clinic. Source: Vpro gids |
How do you arrange finances within a relationship. Share everything? Or separate bank accounts. Source: De Geldgids / Consumentenbond |
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