Nowadays children are confronted with the pressure of being beautiful - meaning thin. Anorexia and bulimia nervosa can be cured, but often leave traces for a lifetime. The gap between the actual look and the way the affected person feels can stay forever.
Source: for 'Gaga', a magazine about children's psychology.
Leendert Masselink
posted on April 28, 2013 at 8:29
Sarah Sands, the editor of the Evening Standard. Talks about her husbands 'hunter gatherer' nature. When told by a famous British sculpture that a certain log would be perfect for sculpting he replied " would burn so well it would be a waste to use it for any other purpose."
To day or not to day #52: Cover illustration for the May issue of the Dutch magazine Onze Taal (Our Language) in 2013 with the theme 'the language of the new king and queen.'
In support of 'Geen honing, geen kroning, leve de koningin' - a Dutch action against the disappearing of bees - another drawing from the series 'Disappeared from the Netherlands': Anthidium byssinum (grote harsbij ) was last seen in 2011 near Gronsveld, NL.
'Volume of love' - rising feelings during this time of the year. A response to an open call by 'Unlimited Magazine' to make work around the theme 'Volume'.
Dutch Secretary of State of Infrastructure Wilma Mansveld has put aside 270 million euros to entangle the 'spaghetti of tracks' around Utrecht station.
Many consider the returning of wolves to the Netherlands a fairytale ending. Probably only until the wolves get too close.
(interactive illustration - please press image).
Editorial for the cover of Art & Culture supplement of Haaretz newspaper for their Woman's Day special edition. This is the way I see women: in the woods, constantly trying to stop trees from falling.
De narcis en het afrikaantje.
n.a.v. filosofiemaand met als thema: schuld en boete. / Narcissus and marigold (the Dutch name for marigold is 'africaantje', which also means 'little African') - about Dutch philosophy month with the theme: guilt and penance.
It is little known that North Korea's Kim Jong Un is not only a formidable leader, but also a great artist. Here's a recent self portrait to illustrate the point.
NRC Handelsblad 13 April 2013
Greenwich, Connecticut is one of the most expensive towns in the US and it is mostly known as a place of massive estates for the super-super rich. And yet nearly 4 percent of its residents live below the poverty line. Why do they live there and how can they afford it?
Topical article by Nicola Baker. She is no good at most things, but she is good at Lent (the days from Ash Wednesday until Easter observed by Christians as a season of fasting and penitence in preparation for Easter.).
“How Shared Diaper Duty Could Help the Economy”
Article about creating incentives or finding ways to give men and women the same opportunities to succeed in their careers. One of those ways could involve more plans to encourage men to take paternity leave.
There is a lot of protest in Turkey, including by the president himself, against the placement of a young Turkish boy into a Dutch foster family, which appeared to be a lesbian couple.
To day or not to day #51: About the demise of Shell: A heady leadership is one of the articles of faith which the Anglo-Saxon business model is based upon. That makes Shell vulnerable. Everyone in the collection and judgement of information has to deal with a large number of cognitive and psychological limitations. Everyone has too much confidence in his ability to process information and to predict. Everyone overestimated his ability to judge and manage people. A heady leadership constitutes an attack on the quality of decision making and management.
Source: Het Financieele Dagblad, Weekend Essay on Saturday by Donald Kalff, 26 January, 2013