'scripted reality' Source: vpro gids |
Reflections on urban agriculture:
Agriculture and city, opposite ... but compatible! Source: http://www.kairospresse.be/ |
It's time the digital wallflowers overcome their shyness and let themselves be heard in social media. Source: Vrij Nederland |
The science of economics is concerned with making predictions. Politicians and managers want to know the outcome of their policies and the risks they run. Also, economists use models that give the impression of the results being correct and then make decisions with sometimes disastrous consequences. Gradually it becomes clear that the individual behavior and the sum of it - the market - is unpredictable and therefore risks arising from market developments are unpredictable as well. This insight hardly gets through to the financial sector. Source: Het Financieele Dagblad, Weekend Essay on Saturday by Willem Landman, 16 February, 2013 |
William Styron, best known for his novel Sophie's Choice, was plagued by deep and dark depressions.
Vrij Nederland 2 March 2013 Source: http://www.flickr.com/photos/woldhek/ |
Exploited mine workers Source: Corporate Knights magazine |
Review of the book, 'The People of Forever'. Its all about the stress put on 18 year old girls in the IDF, and how they compare to normal 18 girls in the west. Source: The Financial Times UK |
A summary of the Oscars 2013.
This drawing is about Jennifer Lawrence and Anne Hathaway. They both won an Oscar, but there was more focus on, respectively, her fall on the stairs and 'visible' nipples. |
Geert Wilders in Australia
NRC Handelsblad 23 Feb 2013 Source: http://www.flickr.com/photos/woldhek/ |
What kind of chemicals are in our crystal-clear drinking water? Source: http://gids.vpro.nl/2013/02/07/pillenwater/ |
Disappeared from The Netherlands:
Rozetknikmos (Bryum Uliginosum), last seen in 1973 near Egmond-Binnen, NL. Source: www.hollandsmaandblad.nl |
To day or not to day #47: Illustration for an essay on the future of Dutch arts and culture. De Volkskrant 2011. Source: De Volkskrant/Betoog. 2011 |
For a presentation by the National Endowment for the Arts which expanded upon its September '12 report "How Art Works." This report aims to map out the "complicated" societal influence of art based on systems dynamics. Source: http://www.arts.gov/research/convenings.html |
Article about urban legends. Source: Chimera magazine (PL) |
My home, my castle (and my lawyer) Source: Illustration voor 'Ik ga bouwen' magazine, een inspirerend en praktisch maandblad voor wie gaat bouwen en renoveren. |
My illustration for the Journal Kaïros about evolution of Anarchism in Spain. Source: http://www.kairospresse.be/ |
illustration about doing business under 'happier' circumstances. Based on the revolutionary ideas of brazilian tycoon Ricardo Semler who made millions by giving his employees more freedom. Source: VPRO Gids |
"Fish dreams of Mr. Jiro". Illustration for the article inspired by the movie "Jiro Dreams of Sushi". There are more restaurants with their "own sushi recipe". Unfortunately, ingredients don't match each other. Source: Chimera Magazine / magazynchimera.pl / Warsaw / Poland |
My home, my castle (and my home insurance) Source: Illustration voor 'Ik ga bouwen' magazine, een inspirerend en praktisch maandblad voor wie gaat bouwen en renoveren. |
To day or not to day #46: The future builds on the past. Source: P+ magazine, september 2012 |
Good news: Class reunions are no longer needed because of Facebook. Bad news: It makes one big reunion of your life! Source: Vrij Nederland |
Portrait of Chris Hughes for his interview with the FT. Source: The Financial Times UK |
NRC Next - Office Characters: The born leader
Source: http://www.gijskast.com/v2/nrcnext/ |
Newspaper illustration for a reader's comment / letter in the abortion debate that has been going on in Norway the last few years. Should we accept abortion as a solution? Should we accept amniocentesis as a common routine and free option for all women so that they find out if they will bring forth a healthy child, or if they will have to deal with the consequences of having a child with an illness or diagnosis, and the possible abortion to avoid a life with a dysfunctional child. Do we have the right to decide who lives and not? Source: http://www.katrinberge.com |
Love me |
To day or not to day #45: The scent of red is in the air today.... Source: Exclusively for Illustration Daily |
To day or not to day #44: Future is a matter of human choices. New growth patterns must save the world - What does the future hold for the world economy? Will the global standard of living rise, when today's poor countries get on equal footing with the richer countries through a technological pass ? Or will prosperity slip us through the fingers, because greed and corruption will force us to exhaust our vital resources and destroy the natural environment, on which human welfare depends? Humanity has no greater challenge than ensuring that the world may continue to exist in prosperity and that it will not be ruined. Source: Het Financieele Dagblad, Weekend Essay on Saturday by Jeffrey D. Dachs, 2 February, 2013 |
Aharon Appelfeld's The Man Who Never Stopped Sleeping is an unusual story, very unusual.
Vrij Nederland 16 Feb 2013 Source: http://www.flickr.com/photos/woldhek/ |
Through hard times you sometimes see some new opportunities. When something big breaks down, many small ideas can be created. |
Pope Benedictus steps down. I'll miss his face, a rare case of agreement between form and content.
Source: http://www.flickr.com/photos/woldhek/ |
Han Hoogerbrugge
posted on February 10, 2013 at 21:58
Han's website
Human Interest Source: Vrij Nederland |
Food blogs are ridiculously growing in number and diversity. What criteria must a good blog meet, to be in the favorite list for amateur chefs? Let's separate the wheat from the chaff!
Source: NRC Handelsblad |
"Money Changes Everything" Article about how to measure happiness and how it relates to wealth. Source: The New York Times Magazine |
Self-confidence, building a tower Source: Ouders van Nu (Parents Today Magazine) |
Amos Oz writes about loneliness in the kibbutz in Among Friends.
Vrij Nederland 9 Feb 2013 Source: http://www.flickr.com/photos/woldhek/ |
My home, my castle (and my mortgage)
Source: Illustration voor 'Ik ga bouwen' magazine, een inspirerend en praktisch maandblad voor wie gaat bouwen en renoveren. |
Winter time. What to do if too many employees in your company are sick. Source: Frankfurter Allgemeine januari 2013 |
Willem Alexander practicing regal poses
cover Vrij Nederland 9 Feb 2013 Source: http://www.flickr.com/photos/woldhek/ |
Psychoanalysis, but is the bed good or Bad for Us? - Jung, Lacan, Freud Source: Panorama, Italia |
Cover illustration about the danger of electromagnetic waves Source: http://www.kairospresse.be/ |
Peter la Serpe, a high profile crown witness made headlines this week.
NRC Handelsblad 2 Feb 2013 Source: http://www.flickr.com/photos/woldhek/ |
Article about the origins of breasts, their sexual, aesthetic and nurturing functions. Source: Volkskrant Magazine |
the author discusses the possibility of a European army, especially sharing equipment and technology. He argues that Europe might be better served with a peace keeping force. Source: der Freitag |
Writer Sheila Heti, wishes she spent her teens better, whilst reviewing the new film 'Spring Breakers'. Source: The Financial Times UK |
kids are cute, but can be monsters Source: Vrij Nederland |
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